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Moocall HEAT sends a text when your cow enters a standing heat!

Results speak for themselves

Cost-effective heat detection

Freedom from the farm

  • No more wasted hours looking for heats
  • Fewer wasted AI straws and guesswork
  • No matter where you are or what you're doing, receive a text when your cow enters a standing heat.

No Wi-Fi or base station

  • No Wi-Fi base stations or power sockets are needed onsite.
  • You only need the collar and a mobile phone.
  • Full charge on the Moocall HEAT Collar charge lasts for 8 weeks.

How it works:

Want to know more?

Leave your name and contact details and a member of our team will give you a call about Moocall HEAT.

Testimonial - Maurice Walsh

Testimonial - Ciarán Lenehan

Actual submission rates 2019

Results Moocall HEAT 2019


1: During breeding season, if we estimate that dairy farmers with 100 head spend 1 hour daily in the parlour simply checking for heats; 

This all adds up when you're working at an average 6 week submission rate of 60% with observation and tail paint. 

1 hour a day* 12 weeks (84 days) = 84 hours

2: Teagasc research states that you can net an additional €8.22 per cow per 1% increase in 6-week calving rate.

€8.22 x 100 (cows) * 25 (percentage points) = €20550 (increase in profitability) - Rounded up to €21,000.

Teagasc shared figures from this research here: